Sunday, June 17, 2012



Who I am
to find out
an innocent intriguing question mark
in my nascent days

None can better me
the egotistic tinge
in my youthful exuberance

Revealing really
what am I
the pages of life experience
in my old age

By the time
I come to know
that I am none else than you
perhaps my story comes to an end.

                                                                                      ...PLV Prasad



The winter tiger
Leaving the people shivering
In cold
Says it is the way of nature

A stray cheetah
Causing panic in people
Is equally alarmed
Since losing its way
It entered the jungle of men

One untamed big cat
The zoo staff
With its unbridled bestiality

Yet there is another macabre
Maurading, maniacal animal

The berserk daunting, tiger

Disintegrating the nation
Throwing to doldrums the concept
Of unity in diversity
Politics, its paws
The communal hatred, its fangs
And jingoism its will

In the havoc wreaked by
This berserk beast
Anguishing minorities, the silent lamb
The demon scoops out the hearts
Of sheep in Gujarat
And molests the nuns in Gujarat
Parades the religious teachers
Naked in the city squares
Closing down the stars of education,
Burning down the places of worship
Aren’t these the acts of devil
Ugly and monstrous.

                                                     ...PLV Prasad



The locomotive chugging away
yes the distance
refuse to come close

In long winding statements
announcing the equality of all
and in his actions quite contrary
he will not be inclined
to come a step down atleast ,
the unwilling rich man of the high class

Hearing the manna word ‘equality’
elated, trying his best to scale high
on the social ladder,
without any prop
tumbles down the low and wretched
the poor man

If the two are rail tracks,
the sleepers joining the track
attempting to achieve
equality between the two classes
are the noble minded
the average men of letters.

The locomotive chugging away
yes the distance
refuse to come close

                                                                                                 .... PLV Prasad


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